Business memberSHIP
Thank You for Your PSA Membership!
Learn more about our Business Member benefits below!
Your generous gift has been processed. We truly appreciate your continued support and involvement as a PSA Member.
A receipt for your membership payment has been sent to the email address you provided.
10 individual memberships for employees, which includes discounted or free registration to all PSA events and programs
Discounted or free registration to all PSA events and programs
Acknowledgement as “Underwriter” with business’ logo, linked to business’ website, displayed on PSA website and in all PSA e-newsletter editions.
Verbally thanked as an “Underwriter” at all PSA events and programs.
Opportunities to participate as an exclusive partner in PSA initiatives and programs.
Opportunities to highlight business’ work/products in PSA e-newsletter, social media up to 4x/year
5 individual memberships for employees, which includes discounted or free registration to all PSA events and programs
Discounted or free registration to all PSA events and programs
Acknowledgement as “Benefactor” with business’ logo, linked to business’ website, displayed on PSA website.
Opportunities to highlight business’ work/products in PSA e-newsletter, social media up to 2x/year
2 individual memberships for employees, which includes discounted or free registration to all PSA events and programs
Acknowledgement as “Patron” with business’ name, linked to business’ website, displayed on PSA website.
Opportunity to highlight business’ work/products in PSA e-newsletter, social media